Department of Chemistry
Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Primary Areas of Interest

Sodium-ion Batteries
Sodium-ion (Na-ion) batteries have garnered significant academic and commercial interest, largely due to the abundance of sodium and the resulting lower costs. Despite similarities in the intercalation mechanisms of sodium ions, the larger ionic radius of Na⁺ complicates the search for suitable host materials that offer both high capacity and excellent cycling stability. Therefore, developing robust electrode materials with high specific capacity and long cycle life is crucial for the practical application of SIBs. Our research focuses on metallic elements with high theoretical capacities that can accommodate Na⁺ ions, forming various compounds to enhance sodium storage — a key factor for high-energy-density batteries. Additionally, ensuring chemical compatibility with sodium is essential to enable reversible reactions, promoting efficient charge and discharge cycles. To further improve electrochemical performance, we explore alloying these metals with other elements to optimize properties such as capacity, rate capability, cycling stability, volume changes, and structural stability, tailoring them to specific applications.
All Solid-State Batteries
All-solid-state batteries (ASSBs) are emerging as a next-generation energy storage solution, offering enhanced safety, higher energy density, and improved cycle life compared to conventional liquid-electrolyte batteries. By replacing flammable liquid electrolytes with solid-state electrolytes (SSEs), ASSBs mitigate risks of leakage and thermal runaway, making them ideal for advanced applications in electric vehicles and grid storage. Our research focuses on developing high-performance solid electrolytes and optimizing electrode-electrolyte interfaces to enhance ionic conductivity, electrochemical stability, and long-term cycling performance. We investigate sodium-ion and lithium-ion ASSBs, tailoring solid electrolytes such as garnets, sulfides, and NASICON-type ceramics for superior Na⁺ and Li⁺ transport. By employing advanced characterization and electrochemical techniques, we aim to develop high-performance solid-state batteries with optimized charge-discharge efficiency, paving the way for safer and more sustainable energy storage solutions.

Lithium Sulfur Bateries
Lithium-sulfur batteries (LSBs), first proposed in the 1960s, are promising next-generation energy storage systems for portable devices, electric vehicles, and grid storage due to their high energy density (500-600 Wh/kg) and impressive specific capacity (1675 mAh/g). Sulfur's abundance and low cost further enhance LSBs' potential for large-scale use. However, issues like polysulfide shuttling and structural instability limit performance. Our research focuses on improving cathode stability and performance by optimizing coating techniques, electrode thickness, and electrolyte management. We aim to enhance Coulombic efficiency, increase capacity, and ensure long-term stability, contributing to high-performance LSB development.