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References and Links to Papers


"Tin–Graphite Composite as a High-Capacity Anode for All-Solid-State Li-Ion Batteries, T. Palaniselvam, A. I. Freytag,  H. Moon, K. A. Janßen, S. Passerini, and P. Adelhelm, J. Phys. Chem. C 2022, 126,  13043–13052.


"Tin‐containing graphite for sodium‐ion batteries and hybrid capacitors, T. Palaniselvam, B. Babu, H. Moon, I. Hasa, A. L Santhosha, M. Goktas, Y. N. Sun, L. Zhao, B. H. Han, S. Passerini, A. Balducci, P. Adelhelm, Batteries & Supercaps, 2021, 4,173-182.


"Assessment on the Use of High Capacity “Sn4P3”/NHC Composite Electrodes for Sodium‐Ion Batteries with Ether and Carbonate Electrolytes"  T. Palaniselvam, C. Mukundan, I. Hasa,  A.L. Santhosha, M. Goktas, H. Moon, M. Ruttert, R. Schmuch, K. Pollok, F. Langenhorst, M. Winter, S. Passerini,  P. Adelhelm, Adv. Funct. Mater 2020, 30, 2004798.

"Sodium-Storage Behavior of Exfoliated MoS₂ as an Electrode Material for Solid-State Batteries with Na₃PS₄ as the Solid Electrolyte" A.L. Santhosha, L. Medenbach, T. Palaniselvam, P. Adelhelm, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124, 10298-10305.



"Sodium Storage and Electrode Dynamics of Tin-Carbon Composite Electrodes from Bulk Precursors for Sodium-ion Batteries,” Palaniselvam, T., Goktas, M.,  Anothumakkool, B.,  Sun, Y. N., Schmuch, R., Zhao, R.L., B. H. Han, M. Winter, and P. Adelhelm. Adv. Funct. Mater, 2019, 29, 1900790. 

"Electrochemical study on the rechargeability of TiO2 as electrode material for Al-ion batteries with chloroaluminate ionic liquid electrolyte", S. K Das, T. Palaniselvam, P. Adelhelm, Solid State Ionics 2019, 340, 115017.


"Annealing temperature effects on photoelectrochemical performance of bismuth vanadate thin film photoelectrodes" L. Shi, S. Zhuo, M. Abulikemu, G. Mettela, T. Palaniselvam, S. Rasul, B. Tang, B.Yan, N. B Saleh, P. Wang, RSC advances2018, 8, 29179-29188.


“Vastly Enhanced BiVO4 Photocatalytic OER Performance by NiCoO2 as Cocatalyst”, T. Palaniselvam, L. Shi, G. Mettela, D. H. Anjum, R. Li, K. P. Katuri, P. E. Saikaly, and P. Wang, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 4, 1700540-1700550


“Nanoporous Graphene Enriched with Fe/Co-N Active Sites as a Promising Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalyst for Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells,” T. Palaniselvam, V. Kashyap, S. N. Bhange, J. B. Baek, and S. Kurungot, Adv. Funct. Mater, 2016, 26, 2150-2162.


 “Graphene based 2D-materials for supercapacitors”  Palaniselvam, T., and Baek, J, B., 2D Materials, 2015, 2(3), 032002. 


“Nanoporous graphene by quantum dots removal from graphene and its conversion as potential oxygen reduction electrocatalyst via nitrogen doping,” T. Palaniselvam, M. O. Valappil, R. Illathvalappil, and S. Kurungot, Energy Environ. Sci., 2014, 7, 1059-1067.


 Zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF)‐derived, hollow‐core, nitrogen‐doped carbon nanostructures for oxygen‐reduction reactions in PEFCs.Palaniselvam, T., Biswal, B, P., Banerjee,  S. Kurungot, 2013, Chemistry – A European Journal, 19(28), 2013, 9335-9342. 


Palaniselvam, T., Aiyappa, H. B., and Kurungot, S. (2012). “An efficient oxygen reduction electrocatalyst from graphene by simultaneously generating pores and nitrogen doped active sites. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22(45), 23799-23805. 

Palaniselvam, T., Irshad, A., Unni, B., and Kurungot, S. (2012). “Activity modulated low platinum content oxygen reduction electrocatalysts prepared by inducing nano-order dislocations on carbon nanofiber through N2-doping. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(28), 14754-14763. 


Palaniselvam, T., Kannan, R., and Kurungot, S. (2011). “Facile construction of non-precious iron nitride-doped carbon nanofibers as cathode electrocatalysts for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Chemical Communications, 47(10), 2910-2912. 

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CYB 316, Department of Chemistry  Indian Institute of Technology Madras  Chennai - 600036, Tamil Nadu  INDIA



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